Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Midterms are over!

              This weekend was full of studying, cramming, and stressing about midterms and deadlines, but luckily Friday I was able to escape, at least for an hour or two to see two short plays inspired by Anton Chekhov, The Yalta Game and Afterplay by Brian Friel. The play was by a group of actors called the Madrid Players, who perform in English. The school organized the trip to the theatre so I sat with friends from school. I really enjoyed the plays, but I wish I had read something of Chekhov´s before. As I understand it The Yalta Game was based on Lady with a Lapdog and After Play took characters from Three Sisters and Uncle Vanya and put them in a room together. I preferred the first play, The Yalta Game, but I think if I had read Three Sisters or Uncle Vanya, the second play would have been more amusing.
             After the plays a group of us went out and got Chinese food. It was hard to sit all seven of us together in the restaurant and it was even more difficult when we started to split the bill, but we all had great food and got huge portions for very little money. 
                My last midterm was yesterday (Cultural Diversity and Human Needs) so I am free! It seems fitting that this coming weekend I will embark on a class trip to Barcelona; a sort of celebration after all my hard studying.  I finally got my film developed from my Holga, so I will try and scan those and get them up for you all to see.  After I finish writing I will go and buy some more film from the Kodak store so I can take some interesting photos while in Barcelona! I am so excited, in just a few days I will be in the metropolitan city, Barcelona!
              Tonight at 8:00 I am going to see a Spanish film, Mientras Duermes (While You Sleep) with the film club. I hope I can keep up!
Hasta luego!
Sierra and Csaba enjoying their noodles
Sesame noodles with veggies!


My dinner on Saturday

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