Saturday, May 19, 2012

Farewell Dinner and Last Days

In September I didn't know what to expect of Spain. The extent of my previous European travels consisted of visiting family in remote areas of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Instead of going to Disney Land, I went to County Cork. I certainly held romantic notions of Spain; I knew of its history of art and war, its festivals and night-life, and its culture and traditions. However, no travel guide or Hemingway story could prepare me for the culture shock I felt as I took my first steps into Barajas

"Spain Is Different!" has long been the tourist slogan. When I arrived I immediately started to categorize things as familiar or strange. Familiar: driving on the right-side of the road; strange: flushing spanish toilets. In Madrid I had no safety-net, just whatever facebook or email correspondence I was able to keep up with.

I am 100% more interested in European Politics, because living in Spain you are very much affected by the decisions being made by local and international politics. With the reconstruction of a new Europe under way I have observed the campaigns for austerity plans, elections, and strikes.

This year has not been an easy ride, coasting through classes as some study-abroad experiences can be. I spent this year nourishing my appetite for travel and learning. I picked up new hobbies and made new friends, but I also took challenging classes that prepared me "for the real world".

This has been an amazing opportunity for myself and my classmates, to learn another language and experience another culture. My experiences in Madrid have made me a more independent person. I can't wait to return to Madrid, but for now it is good to be home.

Here are a few photos from the Farewell Dinner :)

Prof. Greenan and Dana Marquis 

Chris and Sally Thomas 

Natalia and Sarah outside CEU 

Dancing at the Farewell Dinner

Dana and Professor Oscar Martínez 
Goodbye for now Madrid, I will see you soon! 
Hasta pronto!! :) Adios