Buenas tardes!
How is it already February? I am normally so aware of the passage of time, but this semester is
flying by! I can only imagine how quickly this month will go by, however it is a leap year. I feel as though I just returned from Sevilla, and next weekend I will be in Lisbon, Portugal! My classes are challenging but I am learning so much. I feel positive about my New Years Resolutions as I have just booked a flight to Frankfurt, Germany with my two good friends (Ms. Erika Pradillo and Ms. Sierra Meszaros). Some other exciting news, is that my Mom is coming to Europe! Her and my little brother Jimmy will be visiting my Granddad in Cardiff, Wales and I am desperately searching for flights from Madrid to see them. I think I'm going to get whiplash from all the sight-seeing I've been doing.
In other news, I have just figured out one of the fundamentals of public transit: taking the bus! All this time I have been racing out of the house and walking to school, when low and behold, there is a bus that runs adjacent to my street and the route stops just outside Tienda Verde (a local sandwich shop) about 5 minutes from SUMC! I am a little embarrassed at how long it took me to figure this out, but I am just grateful for the extra time I now have to sleep in.
It has been hard to stay focused in my classes, when all I want to do is day dream about all the places I could go. I have kept myself grounded by sticking to my hobbies and school work. I have finished another book, (I'm trying to read a book a week, because I am truly an unfortunately slow reader) "Will Grayson/Will Grayson" by John Green & David Levithan and give it five stars. John Green is turning into one of my favorite authors. My next reading excursion is "The Portable James Joyce", because ever since my English 102 class read Joyce's short story "Eveline", I have been captivated by his unique writing.
Hasta luego my devoted readers!
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