Last weekend Sierra, Erika, and myself went to Frankfurt, Germany. It was a big thing for Erika who admitted she had only ever been on planes destined for Miami, Florida (her hometown) or Madrid, Spain (the place of her birth). I was very excited because I had never been to Germany and I had built it up in my mind as an ideal destination.
When we arrived it was much colder than we anticipated. When we finally got internet access we were bombarded by the out cries of our classmates describing the perfect weather in Madrid! We made the best of the cold weather and bundled up to explore the city.
One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Frankfurt Zoo. I had never seen a hippopotamus in person until that day at the Zoo. It is no exaggeration how gigantic they are! They had to be kept in an enclosure with powerful mist that fogged up our camera lenses. I could not get a clear picture of the hippo, but I got plenty of photos of the reptiles, fish, and monkeys.
We stayed in a really lovely hostel for two nights where were able to rent movies and had access to tea and coffee all day and night. Erika and I watched "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" directed by Woody Allen. The film made me miss Barcelona and Spain.
Our last day in Frankfurt we all admitted we were homesick for Madrid. I think the chill in Frankfurt was getting to us. As far as my new years resolutions: I have visited three counties this semester, I have read at least a book a week, and I have figured out the features of my fisheye camera.
The Bat House |
Goofing around in the Hostel |
Reptile Room |
Have a lovely weekend readers! And Happy belated Woman's Day!!